Monday, September 6, 2010

Investigating sustainable development

Did you ever wonder what people meant when they talk about sustainable development? How is it going to affect your everyday life? Many people hear and use this word without even paying attention to its meaning. Indeed this has become quite fashionable and we can see it on every media. In order to help you learn more on this I have written this short article on sustainable development and how it might affect you.

Sustainable development is all about picking out an economic model that does not cause any damage to the environment but also do not hurt the next generation. This means that you should not choose a model of economic development which will impact other stakeholders. As you will have probably noticed by now sustainable development is more than just caring for the environment. French readers that wish to discover more on this topic can check out this article on sustainable development (developpement personnel) as it carries some interesting info.

In a genuinely sustainable model of development there should be some effective utilization of energy. As cited above we should not only think about our own welfare but also that of the next generations. This is the principal reason why we should manage our energy resources better. It is only in this manner that we can give our children and grand-children a great environment. One French text that I have lately discovered is ecology (eco pret a taux 0) and should be worth reading.

The management of pollution also has an important part in any sustainable economic model. Indeed this line is sometime so confusing that people may employ both words interchangeably. In truth by switching to organic farming and restricting the usage of chemicals we are shifting towards a more sustainable pattern of development. Doing this should indeed assist in preserving the environment. Those that understand French can check out this text on organic food (recettes potimarron)

To the contrary of what people may think sustainable development is not a new topic. In fact all has started back in 1970 where the word sustainability was being used. We can go back even earlier when Rachel Carson release her book Silent Spring in 1962. It is only know that we are seeing a global recognition for sustainable development but there is still a lot of work to do.

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